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Decision Duel

Yesterday, I woke up with a serious mission in mind: conquering a seemingly endless to-do list for my budding business. I had it all planned out - a fancy schedule and my trusty cup of Perk in hand. I was all set to dive into content recording and blog post writing. But, as life often goes, things took an unexpected turn.As I delved into my tasks, something else started calling my name: social media. I found myself thinking, "Maybe a quick check of my notifications won't hurt, right? My brain could use a breather." So, I grabbed my phone, and with a simple swipe, I was sucked in. Social media promised instant gratification and a welcome break.

Minutes turned into hours as I mindlessly scrolled through Instagram, got lost in funny videos, and bookmarked countless recipes I couldn't wait to try. What was meant to be a brief intermission spiraled into a full-blown distraction. My prefrontal cortex, the part of my

brain responsible for focus and planning, tried to pull me back on track. However, the allure of social media's quick dopamine hits proved too tempting for my amygdala, the emotional and survival-driven part of my brain.

Sound familiar? It's a story of the eternal tug-of-war between thoughtful consideration (thanks to the prefrontal cortex) and the allure of emotions and instincts (brought to you by

the amygdala).

But let's dive deeper into this brainy battle. When it comes to decision-making, our brains have two star players: the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.

Meet the Wise Decision Maker:

The prefrontal cortex is like the brain's sage guru. It's all about thinking ahead, making savvy choices, and meticulous planning. It helps us weigh the pros and cons, foresee future consequences, and opt for choices that are good for our long-term well-being.

Enter the Emotional Alarm Bell:

Now, the amygdala is a different beast altogether. It's the emotional epicenter, prone to dramatic outbursts. This region is all about feelings, especially fear and aggression. When

fear or intensity rears its head, it jumps into action. Additionally, it's fixated on fulfilling our basic needs, like seeking pleasure, avoiding discomfort, and choosing the easiest path.

The Great Brain Showdown:

These two brain buddies don't always see eye to eye. They're like two kids arguing over which game to play. When we're faced with choices, the prefrontal cortex acts as the responsible adult, looking into the future. Meanwhile, the amygdala plays the role of the carefree child, prioritizing immediate pleasure and convenience. This conflict becomes

glaringly evident when we're chasing a goal.

To tip the scales in your favor, train your prefrontal cortex to make decisions well in advance. Decisions made on the spot are more likely to succumb to the allure of the lower brain's desires. Consider your lower brain's impulses as the tantrums of a determined toddler. It believes you'll perish without that candy bar (or in this case, social media, Netflix, or that tempting leftover cake). However, if we entrust our decisions to our higher brain, we stand a better chance of achieving our long-term objectives.

Let the amygdala throw its tantrum, then move forward. When faced with a compelling urge to deviate from your pre-planned decisions, remind yourself that succumbing to momentary temptations will jeopardize your long-term goals.

Your brain is an incredible tool, and by employing the skill of making decisions ahead of time, you can regain control, ensuring your choices align with a healthier, happier you.



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